muf architecture/art


muf architecture/art was established in 1995 and has never had fewer than 80% female members, including founding partners Katherine Clarke and Liza Fior.

Projects range from urban design schemes to small-scale temporary interventions via landscapes and buildings – a continual dialogue between details and strategy. Interested in the design of public spaces, and in making spaces public, muf engages with, and builds on, the capacity of local communities to deliver high quality and sustainable outcomes.

With a studio in east London muf has worked on many local projects as well as urban strategies in the cities of Pittsburgh, Cologne and Gothenburg. Dedicated to creating shared public spaces for more than one (fragile) thing at a time, muf’s work has been recognised internationally, nationally and locally by the European Prize for Public Space, Mies Van der Rohe Prize, Swiss Prize for Architecture, RIBA, Housing Design Awards, Landscape Institute and Hackney Design Awards.

In 2019 Peckham Platform commissioned muf to work with our Youth Platform and the Horniman Museum’s Youth Panel on My Model City, My Dream Today, Our Dreams Tomorrow, an exhibition rethinking the future of Peckham and its communities.

More Artists


Mhairi Macaulay

Mhairi Macaulay’s work is characterised by a fascination with ‘The Social’: the way individuals interact with each other. Without a fixed aesthetic, Macaulay plays with the preconceptions we have about different communities, from grassroots groups to large corporations.

Lottie Child

Lottie Child’s practice includes participatory, live art explorations of public space, utilising strategies of collaboration and spontaneous interaction

Yvonne E. Maxwell

Yvonne E. Maxwell is a Saint Lucian-Nigerian self-taught documentary photographer, writer and columnist whose work covers stories on migration, social justice, culture and identity of the Black communities within London and the wider UK. Yvonne also extends her focus to stories surrounding ancestral ties, cultures, familial relationships, health, sexuality and human rights of people from […]

Meet the team

Our dynamic team includes producers, curators, artists and entrepreneurs from our local community

Meet the Team