Artist Talk: Nikolaj Bendix Skyum Larsen, 343 Perspectives


Artist Nikolaj Larsen discusses his 2012 work 343 Perspectives with Mark Sealy, then Director of Autograph ABP and Emily Druiff, Trustee and Founder of Peckham Platform. The event was chaired by Pratap Rughani, then Documentary Film Course Director at London College of Communication.

More Resources


Publication: Peckham Square Studio, limited edition newspaper

A limited edition newspaper documenting Eileen Perrier’s 2014 commission, Peckham Square Studio.

Resource: Twelve, drug and alcohol misuse

These resources offer a range of reference materials around drug and alcohol misuse, focusing on movies, music, art and books.

Artist Talk: Eileen Perrier and Autograph, ABP Newspaper Launch

Eileen Perrier in conversation with writer Michael McMillan and Emily Druiff.


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