Film: South London Black Music Archive by Barby Asante


The South London Black Music Archive was the sixth commissioned exhibition in the Peckham Platform (then Peckham Space) venue on Peckham Square. The 2012 exhibition aimed to celebrate, preserve and investigate South Londoners’ personal relationships with moments in black music history, transforming the gallery into an ‘open archive’ and inviting contributions from the public. These contributions helped to map and explore personal stories behind the fascinating history of the influence and evolution of black music in South London.

This interview with artist Barby Asante looks at her inspiration for the project, and documents the exhibition. Film by Terry Wilson.

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Resource: Autodidacts reading collection

Resource: Bookbed autodidacts reading collection

To accompany the exhibition Bookbed, artist Ruth Beale has complied a small collection of books by or about autodidacts and self-education, and books selected to aid the autodidact.

Film: SlipStream by David Cotterrell

This video by Gordon Beswick documents the launch event and artist talk for David Cotterrell’s 2011 commission SlipStream.

Film: 343 Perspectives by Nikolaj Bendix Skyum Larsen

Larsen’s film 343 Perspectives quietly reflects on themes of isolation and community in a residential area in South London served only by one form of transport – the 343 bus.


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