Resource: Twelve, drug and alcohol misuse


These resources offer a range of reference materials for further research around drug and alcohol misuse, focusing on movies, music, art and books.

It is an accompaniment to Twelve (2015), a multi-channel video installation by artist Melanie Manchot.

The resources were compiled by the artist, her twelve participants and other contributors, advisory and curatorial teams.


Films referenced directly in the making of Twelve
Chantal Akerman, Jeanne Dielman, 23 Ouai de Commerce 1080 Bruxelles, 1975
Chantal Akerman, Je Tu Il Elle, 1976
Michelangelo Antonioni, The Passenger, 1975
Michael Haneke, 71 Fragments of a Chronology of Chance, 1994
Michael Haneke, The Seventh Continent, 1989
Gus Van Sant, Elephant, 2003
Gus Van Sant, Last Days, 2005
Bela Tarr, Werckmeister Harmonies, 2000
Billy Wilder, The Lost Weekend, 1945
Nicholas Winding Refn, Tom Hardy in/as Bronson, 2008

Melanie’s extended list of references
Darren Aronofsky, Requiem for a Dream, 2000
Bruce Beresford, Tender Mercies, 1983
Danny Boyle, Trainspotting, 1996
Scott Cooper, Crazy Heart, 2009
Olivier Dahan, La Vie En Rose, 2007
Clint Eastwood, Bird, 1988
Blake Edwards, Days of Wine and Roses, 1962
Abel Ferrara, Bad Lieutenant, 1992
Mike Figgis, Leaving Last Vegas, 1995
Stephen Gordon, Arthur, 1981
Bent Hamer, Factotum, 2005
Werner Herzog, Bad Lieutenant, 2009
John Huston, Danny Huston, Under the Volcano, 1984
Alison Maclean, Jesus’ Son, 1999
Rick Moranis, Dave Thomas, Strange Brew, 1983
Mike Nichols, Who’s Afraid of Virginia Woolf?, 1966
David O Russell, The Fighter, 2010
Edith Piaf, Milord Music Video, 1959
Vadim Perelman, House of Sand and Fog, 2003
Paul Schrader, Affliction, 1997
Barbet Schroeder, Barfly, 1987
Paolo Taviani, Vittorio Taviani, Caesar Must Die, 2012
Robert Zemeckis, Flight, 2012
Terry Zwigoff, Bad Santa, 2003

Leon’s list
Lenny Abrahamson, Frank, 2014
Malik Bendjelloul, Searching for Sugar Man, 2012
Theodore Melfi, St. Vincent, 2014
Nick Moran, The Kid, 2010
Sean Penn, Into the Wild, 2007
Martin Rosen, John Hubley, Watership Down, 1978
Joe Simpson, Touching the Void, 1988

Ste Gidding’s list
Gabriele Muccino, Will Smith in Seven Pounds, 2008
Gavin O’Connor, Tom Hardy in Warrior, 2011


Cath’s List
James Morrison, Right by your side
Paulo Nutino, Growing up Beside You
Maverick Sabre, I Need
Rudimental, Not Giving In

Joyce’s List
Adele, One and Only
Rebecca Ferguson, Nothing’s Real

Leon’s List
Beastie Boys, Sabotage
Beck, Devils Haircut
Rob Base & DJ E, Z Rock
De La Soul, The Magic number
Dr Dog, The truth
Jimi Hendrix, Voodoo child
David Holmes, I heard wonders
The Knife, Heartbeats
The Mohawks, Champ
Nirvana, All apologies
Nirvana, Oh me
Pixies, Where is my mind?
Sigur Ros, Hafsol
Smashing Pumpkins, Silverfuck
The Stone roses, Love Spreads
The Stone roses, I wanna be adored
The Suuns, Edie’s dream
The Suuns, Music Won’t Save You

Robbie’s List
Calling All Angels
Deep House
Paloma Faith
Pharrell Williams

Ste Giddings’s List
Ludovico Einaudi, Nuvole Bianche
Eminem, Bad Guy
Ennio Morricone, The Crisis
The National, About Today (warrior version)


Stories written and filmed with people living in Montreal’s downtown ‘exclusion’ zone (Quebec)

Minds On Film
Blog from The Royal Society of Psychiatrists written by Dr Joyce Almeida that explores psychiatric conditions and mental health issues portrayed in both documentary and feature films.

Gillian Wearing’s Drunk (1999)
Black-and-white, three-channel video lasting twenty-three minutes. The artist invited a group of alcoholics off the east London streets into her studio over a two-year period. As she got to know them, she filmed their activities against a white wall. Thoroughly intoxicated and clutching cans and bottles, the men and women stagger together and alone, fight and reconcile, cling to each other for support, lose control, stumble, fall, pass out, and sleep.

Addiction Helper
The UK’s leading addiction resource website for anyone affected by addition, with advice on NHS and private treatment options.

Addiction Resource
An educational platform for sharing and disseminating information about addiction and substance abuse recovery centres

American Society of Addiction Medicine
ASAM is dedicated to increasing access and improving the quality of addiction treatment, educating physicians and the public, supporting research and prevention, and promoting the appropriate role of physicians in the care of patients with addiction.

Recall Report
Keeping your family safe through reporting on the latest dangerous drugs and products


Melanie’s list
Jerome Bruner, Making Stories
AL Kennedy, Paradise
Patrick Hamilton, Hangover Square
Paula Hawkins, Girl on a Train
Jack London, John Barleycorn
Eugene O’Neill, The Iceman Cometh
Edward St Aubyn, The Patrick Melrose Series
Todd Taylor, The Story of John Nightly

Cath’s List
Marcus Aurelius, The Spiritual Teachings
Don Miguel Ruiz, The Four Agreements
Sam Shoemaker, Bill. W, The Big Book, Alcoholics Anonymous: The Story of How Many Thousands of Men and Women Have Recovered from Alcoholism
Eckhart Tolle, Stillness Speaks
Richard Walker, Twenty Four Hours a Day

Joyce’s List
AA World Services Inc, The Big AA Book
Rhonda Byrne, The Secret
AA daily notes

Leon’s List
AA World Services Inc, Alcoholics Anonymous (Big Book – 4th edition)
AA World Services Inc, Came to Believe – World AA Service
Richard Bach, Jonathan Livingston Seagull
Coleman Barks, Rumi/The Book of Love
Melody Beatie, Language of Letting Go
Robert Burney, Co-dependence – The Dance of Wounded Souls
Julia Cameron, The Artists Way
James Frey, A Million Little Pieces
Roger Hargreaves, Mr Happy
Bill P & Lisa D, 12 Step Prayer Book

Robbie’s List
AA World Services Inc, The Big Blue Book AA
Anthony De Mello, The Song of the Bird
Mark Victor Hansen, Barry Spilchuk, Jack Canfield, A Cup of Chicken Soup for your Soul
Woody Hochswender, Buddha in your Mirror
Simon Mason, Too High, Too Far, Too Soon
Morning meditation AA the secret

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