Manu Luksch


Manu Luksch, founder of Ambient Information Systems, is a filmmaker who works with moving images. The core theme of her works is the evolution of film in the digital or networked age.

Through her films and art works, Manu researches the effects of emerging technologies on daily life, social relations, urban space, and political structures.

Particular zones of focus are the borders of public space, the weave of the urban fabric, surveillance and the gaze, and security and identity systems.

In 2009 Peckham Platform (then Peckham Space) commissioned Luksch and artist Neal White for Limitations Permitted, a project that asked us to consider our civil liberties in a climate of increasing surveillance. A ‘kiosk’ was erected in Peckham Square, staffed by a new type of security person, who invited passersby to find alternative ways to navigate the environment. A series of films displayed on viewmaster devices both revealed and questioned the by-laws that regulate the public space of Peckham Square.

Artist Manu Luksch standing on concrete stairs

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Yoruba Londoner, Visual Artist and Storyteller.  Using analogue photography and poetry as creative mediums, Elusadé aims to document, archive and preserve ideas cultivated from the desire to deeply understand themselves and the world around them. At the heart of her practice, she connects intergenerational communities with art activism, preserving aural and tangible histories through authentic creation. Aiming to create and share imagery to illuminate the magic in the mundane, Elusadé curates dialogue reflective of their own experience in an effort to highlight the delicate and nuanced ways in which they choose to manoeuvre through the complexities of being.

Tolu Elusadé

Yoruba Londoner, Visual Artist and Storyteller. 

Using analogue photography and poetry as creative mediums, Elusadé aims to document, archive and preserve ideas cultivated from the desire to deeply understand themselves and the world around them.

At the heart of her practice, she connects intergenerational communities with art activism, preserving aural and tangible histories through authentic creation.

Aiming to create and share imagery to illuminate the magic in the mundane, Elusadé curates dialogue reflective of their own experience in an effort to highlight the delicate and nuanced ways in which they choose to manoeuvre through the complexities of bein

Artist Meera Shakti Osbourne standing in front of trees wearing an orange t-shirt

Meera Shakti Osborne

Meera Shakti Osborne has a practice of collective healing through creative self-expression.

Artist Ana Laura Lopez wearing a blue jumper and leaning on a brick wall

Ana Laura López de la Torre

Ana Laura López de la Torre is an artist and writer based in Uruguay. Using the overlooked and the underrated as a starting point, her work creates visible and unexpected connections between things, people and places.

Meet the team

Our dynamic team includes producers, curators, artists and entrepreneurs from our local community

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