Meera Shakti Osborne


Meera Shakti Osborne works alongside communities teaching sewing and printing to older women and running creative workshops with young people.

They work primarily with individuals on lower incomes, those who are unemployed, people of colour and people with experience of displacement or migration. Osborne describes their practice as one of collective healing through creative self-expression.

In 2020 Peckham Platform commissioned Osborne and producer A.G. for Digital Tapestry, a Youth Platform project exploring self-care and art in ten weekly online sessions. 

Osborne is the co-founder of the Department for International Dance Development (DIDD), a collective of women and non-binary individuals who meet to dance and share food. Osborne graduated from the Central School of Speech and Drama in 2015 and later in 2018 from Cairo Institute of Liberal Arts and Sciences in Cairo, Egypt.

Artist Meera Shakti Osbourne standing in front of trees wearing an orange t-shirt

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Our dynamic team includes producers, curators, artists and entrepreneurs from our local community

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