Neal White


Neal White is a UK artist based in Brixton, London. His art practice engages with the ongoing impact that science and technology have in shaping our relationships to one another and to the environments we live in.

This practice is socially situated, engaging with people from amateur enthusiasts to scientists and activists alongside systems from bias algorithms to the remote sensing of post-natural organisms. White aims to extends our perception of the world through fieldwork, digital media and site-specific installations within and beyond the gallery or museum.

White established the Office of Experiments in 2004, an artist led organisation developing critical research projects with artists, architects, activists and academics, as well as a range of enthusiasts and independent collaborators.

In 2009 Peckham Platform (then Peckham Space) commissioned Manu Luksch and Neal White for Limitations Permitted, a project that asked us to consider our civil liberties in a climate of increasing surveillance. A ‘kiosk’ was erected in Peckham Square, staffed by a new type of security person, who invited passersby to find alternative ways to navigate the environment. A series of films displayed on viewmaster devices both revealed and questioned the by-laws that regulate the public space of Peckham Square.

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Artist Meera Shakti Osbourne standing in front of trees wearing an orange t-shirt

Meera Shakti Osborne

Meera Shakti Osborne has a practice of collective healing through creative self-expression.

Artist Manu Luksch standing on concrete stairs

Manu Luksch

Manu Luksch, founder of Ambient Information Systems, is a filmmaker who works with moving images. The core theme of her works is the evolution of film in the digital or networked age.

Mhairi Macaulay

Mhairi Macaulay’s work is characterised by a fascination with ‘The Social’: the way individuals interact with each other. Without a fixed aesthetic, Macaulay plays with the preconceptions we have about different communities, from grassroots groups to large corporations.

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Our dynamic team includes producers, curators, artists and entrepreneurs from our local community

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