Asante talks to host Paul Goodwin at the Tate about the South London Black Music Archive exhibition at Peckham Platform in 2012.

Artist Talk: Melanie Manchot, Twelve
In 2015 artist Melanie Manchot discussed the inspiration behind her ambitious film installation, Twelve, with Dr Pratap Rugani, documentary filmmaker and then Reader in Documentary Film at University of the Arts London.

Artist Talk: Kimathi Donkor, ‘Daddy, I want to be a Black Artist’
Artist Kimathi Donkor, Lindsay Johns and Emily Druiff discuss the development of Kimathi’s exhibition ‘Daddy, I want to be a Black Artist’

Artist Talk: Nikolaj Bendix Skyum Larsen, 343 Perspectives
Artist Nikolaj Larsen discusses his 2012 work 343 Perspectives.