Peckham Platform is a creative and educational charity based in Peckham, South London. We bring local communities together with leading artists to co-produce social art that responds directly to the needs and concerns of the people involved.

We commission new work, run workshops, talks and exhibitions and provide progression routes for young people. For each new artist commission we work with a section of our community to jointly identify themes, develop a brief and select artists. The community then collaborate with that artist to create new work. The model of joint decision making continues right through to the exhibition, installation or event.


Activities exploring socially engaged art for families and schools

Learn with us

Our Programme

Our artistic programme strives to be both relevant and useful to artists and the communities with whom we work. Reflecting our values and concerns as a cultural organisation with a civic duty. We are committed to community-led co-commissioning and creating a genuinely collaborative process.

What's on

Our Impact


What is social art?

Socially engaged art can be broadly defined as what happens when artists work with people in the co-creation of a public outcome. In the context of Peckham Platform, this means that we support artists to work with Peckham’s communities in the process of making something together.


All resources

Podcast: Twelve, Art & Addictions

Podcast debating the value of art within the NHS’s addiction services, with Mark Prest, Dr Alison Rooke and Dr Luke Micheson

Film: 343 Perspectives by Nikolaj Bendix Skyum Larsen

Larsen’s film 343 Perspectives quietly reflects on themes of isolation and community in a residential area in South London served only by one form of transport – the 343 bus.

Case Study: Barby Asante, South London Black Music Archive

Case Study of the South London Black Music Archive by Barby Asante


Meet the socially engaged artists working with our communities in Peckham

All Artists